Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sandra Edwards Hadank

I worked for the British Embassy after high school until I married in April of 1967. My husband was in the army and when he finished his tour of duty in 1968 we moved back to his hometown of Peoria, Illinois and have been here ever since. I was a Canadian citizen while attending FCHS and finally became a U.S. citizen in September of 1970. We have 2 sons and a daughter. Also 7 grandchildren. Our oldest son now lives in Midlothian, Virginia. Our second son lives in Bolivar, Missouri and our daughter in Peoria. All are married. I was a stay at home mom until 1982 when the company my husband worked for closed and then went to work at Bradley University working my way up the ladder until I was administrative assistant to the president. I retired May 31 of 2006 and spend time with the one granddaughter that lives in town. The rest of my grandchildren live in Virginia and Missouri. We did meet up with Ralph Crouch and his wife a couple of years ago when visiting our son in Virginia and really looking forward to the reunion as I haven't seen anyone since graduation.

Sandy is on FaceBook

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Steve Hutchins

We have been out of touch with almost everybody as we have been on an extended cruise. Teresa and I rented our house to a very nice doctor and wedding planner couple for at least 2 years and left on our boat for parts still to be determined. As I type this, we are in Great Guana, Bahamas waiting to meet up with other boating friends in time for a "Barefoot Man" Concert at a place called Nipper's Bar this weekend. Nipper's is a world class bar that overlooks the third largest reef in the world and sits on top of large hill. Our current plans have us cruising back thru the East Coast this summer and up to Maine for August and 1st week of September.

Steve is on FaceBook

Update - March 21

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Nancy Bagby Abbate

I retired 3 years ago after teaching special ed for 31 years. Marshall and I celebrated 43 yrs of marriage last December. Our son lives in Pittsburgh and our daughter in Woodbridge, VA. We have 3 granddaughters - ages 17, 8 and 6. Spend a lot of time going to Pittsburgh to see the younger two. Marshall and I both have maxi scooters (can do over 75 mph but who's gonna try?!) and ride as much as we can. I have permanent training wheels on the back of mine so I don't have to lean and can't fall over. Painted on the back of my helmet, in our granddaughters' handwriting, it says "Grammy" so that folks will hopefully be gentle to me! We live in a 55-or-better neighborhood in Fredericksburg and love it. Enjoy reading, traveling, card making and scrapbooking. There's never enough time to do everything I want to do! Take care. Holler when we're ready to meet to plan the reunion and I'll try to come if our schedule allows. Thanks!

Nancy is on FaceBook

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pat Hartman Sikes - Updates

These updates are from Bill Sikes who has been sending emails on Pat's improvement. Not everyone may be getting the emails - so I am posting them here on the blog.

March 22 -Pat has shown some very slight improvement. They have reduced her pain meds and oxygen level. This is the best news we've had. Scott and Kim are going home today. I will be hanging around the hospital as much as makes sense. Probably best to text me, 703-409-5700.

March 24 -For the most part she is the same. They tweaked all her meds to see how she'd do and had to take them back up when she became agitated. Their plan is to keep doing that from now on. She still has a long way to go, but could not possibly be in better hands. I appreciate all of the generous offers to help me get through this. I am OK and will let you know if I need anything. Keep the energy rolling toward Pat, we both appreciate that.

March 25 - Today was a mixed bag of continued slight improvement and maybe the reality of the extent of injuries. They have been, and will continue, to lessen her pain meds, sedatives and oxygen level. She responded very well to these things today except for what I would describe as increased awareness/increased agitation. She is obviously ready to be done with all of this. We had the most significant communication today, even though I couldn't understand any of what she was trying to convey. Hence, increased agitation. .

March 27 - Pat continued to show slight improvement and they are accelerating the reduction of meds and oxygen levels. The last two days they have turned off the oxygen and let her breathe on her own. Thirty minutes the first day and forty five yesterday. Because they have reduced the sedatives she has been much more awake and alert. Unfortunately, this has also led to increased aggravation with us not being able to understand what she is trying to say to us. More baby steps!

March 31 - Yesterday Pat was off the ventilator until late afternoon, when they had to hook it back up. This was good progress. This morning she is off it again. They got her up on the edge of the bed, also great progress. Somebody said she had graduated from crawling to baby steps and that is accurate.

April 1 - Today Pat was moved into the "Intermediate Care Unit". She is really doing great. Still can't speak, but is breathing better and actually smiling. They are beginning to work on the speaking thing and stepping up the physical therapy.

Bill is on Facebook

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pat Hartman Sikes

From Bill Sikes
Pat was in an accident on Tuesday morning, March 15, 9:30am. She was turning left (east) onto Route 50 from our side street (Stafford Drive) when a BMW traveling west ran the red light doing 50 mph and hit the front wheel area of her Buick. It knocked her up onto the concrete divider island, pointing southwest, then careened off her car into a van stopped at the light in one of the eastbound lanes. Totaled all three cars.

She called me immediately after the accident and was completely coherent. Since it was at the end of our street I was able to drive up and park in the adjacent office parking lot within a few minutes. The BMW driver admitted running the light AND speeding, total responsibility. Her head hit her side window and her hip hit the door, both were hurting. Nobody thought she was seriously hurt so they offered the choice between Fair Oaks and Fairfax hospitals. We picked Fair Oaks for convenience and away she went in the ambulance, arriving at 10:30am. They did cat scans on her head and xrays on her hip and cleared her to leave at 1:30pm. However, she was feeling nauseous so they gave her a shot to control that. Then we got her dressed and wheeled her to the ER foyer.

When I tried to put her in the car she went completely limp. We got her back in and re-registered (because we had checked out already). Pat thought the anti-nausea medicine had made her extremely tired and less than full control, the ER people thought that was impossible so they ran more tests. That is when they found multiple fractures in her pelvis and internal bleeding. There was no signs of this possibility until we attempted to leave the hospital. Since Fair Oaks isn't equipped to handle that level of trauma she was sent to Fairfax Hospital by helicopter, about 5:00pm. They finally had to do a procedure to stop the internal bleeding at 5:00am and (I was told) put her into an induced coma “so she could heal”. That doctor told me that the next 48 hours were “critical” and that word came up the next day as well.

Pat's kids, Scott and Kim both made arrangements to fly out, and when I asked nurses and doctors if they felt they should come here they all said yes. They definitely thought she was in danger. Apparently there are many things that could still go wrong. That said, as of 8:30pm tonight her nurse told us that she was no longer in the coma, just heavily sedated. What she needs now is rest.

Update as of 10:30am on Thursday, March 17: she is doing better, they had not given her any more fluids, and they said she was more “awake”. I will continue to send updates as I get them.

Saturday, March 19 they had to increase her sedation and let the respirator completely take over her breathing. Since then she has remained level, again a good thing. She is getting the best possible care. We have faith that she will come out of this, but we are aware that cautious optimism is in order.

It is Monday morning, March 21, the kids are scheduled to go home tomorrow, and I think they will. I apologize to all that are getting first knowledge via this email. Please don't call me, I probably won't be able to take the call anyway. I am doing fine, don't worry about me, we - Kim, Scott and myself) don't need anything, concentrate on Pat. Thanks for your prayers and concerns. Do reply, if you want to. Bill.

Bill is on Facebook

Billie Mills

I returned to Sarasota in March of 2010 and really happy to be back. The two years in Virginia I spent helping my friend who was terminally ill, that was the main reason for going back to VA. Now I stay at home and read every book in the Library. My health has limited my activities physically but in my mind I can still dance, lay on the beach and drink all the guys under the table, LOL

Hope you are back on your feet Linda and doing well. I did put you on my prayer list and have kept up on your recovery, aint fb great????

Been trying to find Kathy O'Neil's obit in the Post but didn't find, she died in 1998or 97 of Ovarian Cancer. I was with her until the last moment of life and she was a brave women and tried to fight this all the way to the end.

Did you get information on Vicki Foreman, Ed Smith and Connie Glade. He has a new address in Port Charlotte. Let me know!! Talked to Vicki last night and she cant remember what year Gary Anders died but he lived in Tucson, AZ if you look up Obits. Oh, one more thing have you heard anything from Terry Woodward? He told Steve and I he had MS like Steve and I haven't heard from him in ages. He lived in Fredericksburg.

Billie is on Facebook

Kay Cool

I remarried in 1999 to Pete Polen. I have lived in Manassas since 1965, and both of my boys were born here. It's hard to believe but they are now 45 and 43 years of age. I retired 1/1/04 and took care of my mother until her death in Aug. 2008. I have 4 grandchildren and 7 step-grandchildren, and have done a lot of babysitting since my first one was born. Pete and I are very active in our Church and the house keeps us very busy as well. We have three cats and we enjoy travelling a few times a year. Since my mom died I have had both of my knees replaced and I'm getting around a lot better. I plan on being more active this summer. Let me know if I can help you in any way.

Kay is on Facebook

Update March 9

I sent a notice to the 46 classmates on Facebook. I also sent out notices to emails I have had for awhile. Some were no longer current, but have heard from several people. I understand Amy Shewmaker has passed away. I have her last name as Dayton, but understand she had remarried. If anyone can provide any information I will search for her obituary. Heard from Steve Guch and he will try to get in touch with Bob Hadley and Maitland Sharpe. Bill Sikes has additional email listings - so we are making progress.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Joan Arnold

I retired as of 04/01/2011 and am living on Social Security and Medicare as of 04/01/2011. I will stay in the area for at least another year to explore the area, if I can still afford the gas! Then I may move to some place cheaper and live on the profit from selling my house such as Wilmington, NC, Spartanburg, SC where my cousins live or Charlottesville, VA where a friend just retired.

Joan is on Facebook.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cort Barnes

I finally retired/retired from consulting with the federal government but I do speaking engagements to community groups, colleges & universities about my time in Iran entitled "Hostage: A personal perspective". I am on Social Security and Medicare and learning to live on a fixed income wasn't as challenging as I thought it would be. I am a docent on the Battleship North Carolina Memorial here in Wilmington and my specialty is Radio Central & the Coding Room (I was in communications at the CIA and in the Navy and this was a natural for me). That keeps me busy in the summer along with golf, going to the GYM three days a week and taking care of my rescue sheltie. My wife works in Fairfax, Virginia for Booze-Allen-Hamilton and wants to work about four more years. When we moved to Wilmington she really missed the D.C. area with it's restaurants and shopping AND her friends. Me, not so much.

Cort is on Facebook