Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nancy Bagby Abbate

I retired 3 years ago after teaching special ed for 31 years. Marshall and I celebrated 43 yrs of marriage last December. Our son lives in Pittsburgh and our daughter in Woodbridge, VA. We have 3 granddaughters - ages 17, 8 and 6. Spend a lot of time going to Pittsburgh to see the younger two. Marshall and I both have maxi scooters (can do over 75 mph but who's gonna try?!) and ride as much as we can. I have permanent training wheels on the back of mine so I don't have to lean and can't fall over. Painted on the back of my helmet, in our granddaughters' handwriting, it says "Grammy" so that folks will hopefully be gentle to me! We live in a 55-or-better neighborhood in Fredericksburg and love it. Enjoy reading, traveling, card making and scrapbooking. There's never enough time to do everything I want to do! Take care. Holler when we're ready to meet to plan the reunion and I'll try to come if our schedule allows. Thanks!

Nancy is on FaceBook

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